An LGBTQ Social Media App

Bessa is an inclusive LGBTQ community of all genders, colors, shapes, and sizes who want to safely connect with new and existing friends, family, and others.

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The LGBTQ Social Media App Unicorn

Through posting social media like updates and media, you can be proud to share who you are with your community. Through likes, replies, direct messages, and a directory of people and events online and around your area, you can find and build strong relationships within your community. Bessa works hard, through moderation and dangerous content filters, to make it a safe community.

An LGBTQ Social Media App

Make some Noise!

Sharing your LGBTQ pride is now as fun as ever. By sharing updates, images, videos, and audio recordings, you can express yourself to the ones you love and make new queer friends as well.

An LGBTQ Social Media App

Socialize with Community

Networking is a huge part of building queer community. Find LGBTQ members with shared interests near you and make queer friends, connections, and maybe more. Chat, upload a selfie, update your profile, and add flair to join the fun!

An LGBTQ Social Media App

Build your Following

Share your LGBTQ thoughts, ideas, and other good stuff through text, images, videos, event listings, and even audio to an LGBTQ audience and build a following of LGBTQ fans.

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