

Community-building isn't easy! But, it's important to work together to keep this LGBTQ community both diverse, and safe. Bessa is fun and open-minded, but some lines are drawn specifically to weed out harmful and dangerous interactions. To keep things simple, be respectful! And, don't be a troll! But here are a few more tips and tricks to help keep this a fun, diverse, and safe community.


Bessa is about creating a fun, safe, and healthy online community for LGBTQ people. Bessa values diversity, strength and wellbeing inside our communities, and spaces free of closed-minded corporations and marketing. Because of this, Bessa has a no-tolerance rule for discrimination, bullying, and harm. Bessa also does not condone illegal activity or spam.

  • Your account will be deleted immediately if you express discrimination, bullying, or harm against anyone regarding their sex, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, HIV status, age, nationality, or religion.
  • The promotion of illegal drugs, illegal sexual acts, including escorting and massage, and any other illegal activity is not allowed.
  • Excessive promotional content, including posts of any kind, or messages or the creation of new accounts is not allowed.

Profile Pictures and Text

Your profile and profile picture gives you an identity on the app. Text that is descriptive and accurate, and pictures that represent your likeness, are clear, and are recent, help you stand out on the app allowing you build LGBTQ connections.

  • Show us your face; not your pets!
  • Use a clear and recent profile picture.
  • Update your profile text accurately and regularly.
  • Your profile picture should not be sexually suggestive or depict genitalia.
  • Your profile picture or text should not depict or describe violence towards anyone.
  • Your profile picture or text should not impersonate anyone.
  • Symbols, text, or images of racism, intolerance, or bigotry are not allowed.
  • Ads or any sort of advertising is not allowed as a profile picture.

Posts, Places, Events, and Reviews

Bessa gives you plenty of opportunity to share interesting content for other members. Posts you make should be in the interest of having fun and building a social and safe LGBTQ community. List your places, events, and reviews in the interest of helping other find safe, fun, and beneficial LGBTQ resources. This included user-generated text, audio, images, and videos.

  • Post content that's fun and interesting to LGBTQ people!
  • Your content should not express violence towards anyone.
  • Violent, racist, or intolerant material is not allowed.
  • Your content should not be false or misleading.
  • Copyrighted content is not allowed.

Have questions? Email [email protected]