Celebrating International Transgender Day of Visibility

By Topher


Celebrating International Transgender Day of Visibility

Transgender Day of VisibilityGender IdentityTransgender PeopleGender UnicornLGBTQ RightsLGBTQ Community

Firstly, please don't out trans people. Also, don't out trans people. Is this in bold?

Cis people, heterosexuals, and, yes, even people of the LGBTQIA+ community need an occasional reminder of the various letters in the LGBTQIA+ acronym. Creating safe and inclusive communities is hard work, but it can also be fun, enlightening, social, and liberating to all people. International Transgender Day of Visibility (#TDOV), every March 31st, is a wonderful time to celebrate and strengthen the transgender community and take time to realize the importance and rights of transgender people providing them a voice in the world and the safety and respect they deserve. People can celebrate International Transgender Day of Visibility and the transgender and LGBTQIA+ communities by listening and giving space to transgender people, educating themselves and others about culture, history, policy, and identity, becoming active in communities, yes, donating to causes that they identify with, spreading awareness on social media, and so much more.

Pass the Mic

There are so many intelligent transgender people and so many good ideas and stories to be heard by them and others. Why doesn't everyone just stop blabbeirng and sit back and take one or two in for a bit? People can celebrate International Transgender Day of Visibility by passing the mic. Celebrating holidays and dedications like International Transgender Day of Visibility is often about listening and giving the space for these people to speak up, share, and, yes, help shape communities and culture as a whole. People can learn a lot from transgender stories.

Learning the Culture, History, Policy, and Identity of Transgender People

The culture and history of transgender people can often be sad, but also a true story of inspiration and triumph among friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers. A valuable way to celebrate International Transgender Day of Visibility is for people to enrich their own knowledge about the culture, history, government policy, and gender, sexual, and relational identities of transgender people. (Google up the Gender Unicorn. It's a great starting point.) Sitting back and listening to the story or just learning terminology is a great way to celebrate and enrich conversation, but also discourage discrimination against transgender people.

Leveling Up in Communities!

Many transgender communities are welcome to cis and/or straight people as well. In fact, these communities are often enriched by outsiders. People looking to celebrate International Transgender Day of Visibility can help bring transgender communities, groups, and organizations to the next level by being an active member. People who aren't transgender can, for example, still use their voice in the world to spread awareness or lend an ear or friendship to someone in need. People who aren't transgender can still celebrate transgender people by joining and being active in communities and the experience can be very rewarding for everyone.

Oh yeah! And, by the way, Bessa is right here patiently waiting and welcoming everyone to its safe and diverse community! Download it and join here for FREE!

Yes, Money

Yes, yes but please don't skip this one! Be real; movements in this country aren't free. Besides people always give the ones they care about money for their birthday and for Christmas, so why should this celebration be different? Donating money, items, time, or other resources to those people and organizations in need can be an honorable way to celebrate International Transgender Day of Visibility. Even if funds are tight, people can volunteer or donate material resources. And if there's even just a little in the wallet, or a lot, finding the right people, organizations, or charities is important. Finding a charity that has shared interests can make monetary or other donations mutually beneficial and very exciting.

A great place to start is right here! Bessa has a fair amount of costs to keep running. If you like Bessa or appreciate the communities its trying to build, please check out the Donations Page page to learn more and hopefully contribute.


C'mon! Social media is a blast! People are always all over it too. Take a few minutes to post about International Transgender Day of Visibility. Sharing stories or anything respectful and genuine can be fun and very influential. Even reposting other awesome content about International Transgender Day of Visibility is great! People learn and take inspiration from others. Social media can be a great start place to start change.

This day of visibility is about carving out safe communities and giving space and social justice to people who are often marginalized. It's also about being joyful and proud. But get creative! The list doesn't ender here. If nothing else, being kind and having fun is the best anyone can do. People should feel safe and feel proud to be themselves.